How The Securilock Van Lock Stopped a Robbery in Southern Florida

Late one night in February 2023, a street in southern Florida became a target for some vicious cargo theft. Vehicles up and down the street got broken into and thousands of dollars worth of equipment, tools, and other possessions were stolen.

With all the vehicles having been broken open with a crowbar, there was one vehicle on the street that didn’t get robbed, despite an obvious effort. What was different about this plumber’s van?

It was equipped with a LEGEND SecuriLock Van Lock on each door!

The SecuriLock held together and the contents of the van were left untouched. As is shown in the pictures, the robber tried desperately to gain entry to the vehicle and was unsuccessful in the end.

This story goes to show how important proper security on your work vehicles is and how well the LEGEND SecuriLock fulfills that need. Learn more about how the Securilock can work for you.

See how your van or van fleet can benefit from an upfit today.

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